
Christmas Day – Come + See

Readings: Luke 2:6-20

Today is the day.

Today is the day the Messiah entered the world as a humble babe. God chose the most human way to come into the world.

And the first people called to come and see the newly born Jesus was a group of humble shepherds. God comes first to the lowly, the forgotten, the outcasts.

In Jesus’s time, shepherds were often social outcasts. They were thought so little of, they couldn’t even testify in court.

And yet, God chose these men to be the first to hear the news. And God announces in a big way. He pulls out all the stops with multiple angels and singing. Understandably, the shepherds respond with fear.

But they still came. The shepherds traveled to see. They trusted that the angels spoke the truth.

And now, the Savior is here. Emmanuel, God with us. The Savior of the world, gifted to us. Let us rejoice in the knowledge that the day is here.

Where there was darkness, now there is light.

Where there was mourning, now there is rejoicing.

Where there was death, now there is life.

Hallelujah. Thanks be to God.

Journal Prompt: Emmanuel is here. How will you move forward from Christmas in light of this good news?

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