
Day 6 of 26 – God is Faithful

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Readings: Genesis 17:3-8 + Exodus 13:17-22 2 Peter 3:8-9

In my working life, I’ve had a lot of jobs. I worked retail and restaurant, dance teacher and after school counselor, phone banker and Montessori teaching assistant. I’ve hustled my way through multiple nonprofits, including affordable housing and education.

(Most) of my jobs were fantastic. I learned that I love working with children and that I hate being on the phone. I know now I like being in middle management but not entirely in charge.

But deep down, I still felt like I was missing something. While I was often wholly involved and devoted to my vocation, there was a tugging on my heart.

Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated by other cultures. In elementary school, I sought books on Native Americans, immigrants, and people who’s lives were different from mine.

In my young adult years, I toyed with the idea of living abroad, wanting to experience life somewhere else. But fear won out and, although there was a near-constant desire to be elsewhere, I stayed firmly planted.

I found work with refugee families and children to be a “safer” alternative. I thought maybe that was how God was going to deliver that particular desire of my heart.

Little did I know it wouldn’t be long before I would meet my husband. We married and moved. But it wasn’t long before we received word his job would take us overseas to Japan.

Looking back, I can see God working through my life, starting to tamp down my fear little by little, making me ready for such a big move. He placed the desire for an overseas life on my heart long ago, but it took years for me to experience it.

Our God is faithful. When we read Exodus, we accompany Abraham’s descendants on the physical journey out of Egypt. We see one of the ways God is faithful to his promise to Abraham.

Genesis 17 isn’t the first time we learn about God’s covenant with Abraham. In fact, the book of Genesis mentions it six times before chapter 17 (Genesis 12:1-3, 713:15-1715:1-7, 13-21, and 16:11-12).

Throughout Genesis, God communicates with Abraham often, revealing more specifics of his promise as Abraham and his family take steps in faith. As more of the picture is revealed, the Lord shows Abraham that this promise will take time. A lot of time (Gen 15:12-16).

Generations later, God begins leading the Israelites out of Egypt. God has not forgotten his promise, and we see a continuation of the fulfillment of his promise to Abraham. God’s faithfulness continues.

Instead of walking the Israelites into a potential war zone, God chooses a longer route. He knows his people. There’s a shorter route through the Philistine country, but it’s prone to conflict. If faced with war, the Israelites might retreat to the supposed safety of Egypt.

Not only does he protect them along the route, but God also sends a physical manifestation of his presence to accompany the travelers. A pillar of cloud and a column of fire allow the people to travel at all hours.

God offers them protection and constant reassurance that this path is the right one. He is with them and walking alongside them.

We don’t get to decide God’s timeline or what path we take to get somewhere. Nor should we – we only see a portion of the picture at any one time. But we can move forward in faith, taking steps however small, with the certainty that God is faithful to his word.

Journal Prompt: How is God showing his faithfulness to you today? Take some time to look back and trace God’s steadfastness through your life.

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